Gambling involves wagering something of value on a random event with the intent to win money or other items of value. Various forms of gambling exist, including casino games, lotteries and scratchcards. While the majority of people who gamble do so responsibly, some individuals are at risk of developing a gambling problem. This may occur regardless of economic, social or cultural background and can affect people of all ages.
While many people enjoy gambling for the excitement it can bring, for some it can become an addiction. There are many resources available to help someone who is struggling with this type of disorder. If you know someone who is suffering from this condition, consider talking to them about it and finding out what types of treatment options are available in your area.
Some research suggests that some individuals are predisposed to gambling by having underactive brain reward systems, making them unable to control impulses and weigh risk. This can be combined with genetic factors, such as a tendency toward sensation- and novelty-seeking, that contribute to an individual’s risk for gambling problems. Some research also suggests that there are differences in how individuals process reward information, control their emotions and regulate impulsivity.
A large number of people have gambling disorders, with up to 2 million Americans (1%) meeting DSM-IV criteria for pathological gambling in a given year. It is estimated that another 4-6 million adults (2-3%) have mild or moderate gambling problems (that is, they meet one or more DSM-IV criteria for a gambling disorder but do not progress to pathological gambling) and that most adults who gamble do so responsibly.
Whether an individual has a gambling disorder or not, most research supports the concept that there is a continuum of gambling problems in terms of frequency and intensity. However, some scholars believe that this continuum does not imply that pathological gambling progresses in a linear fashion, and that the term “pathological gambling” is inappropriate, as it implies that the disease is similar to substance abuse or dependence (Volberg, 1998).
It can be hard for people who have gambling disorders to recognise their situation and seek help. For example, they may try to hide their gambling activity or lie about it to family members and friends. It is also common for people to think that their gambling disorder is a normal part of life and not something they should be worried about.
Many people who have gambling problems can be helped by family and friends. They can also be helped by support groups and charities that specialise in helping those with gambling problems. They can offer advice and services such as counselling and financial assistance to help the person overcome their gambling disorder. Some of these organisations have dedicated websites to provide help for people who have gambling issues. Some also provide tips on how to gamble responsibly and avoid gambling-related harm. They can be found by searching online for “gambling support groups” or “gambling addiction support”. Some of these websites are also available in other languages.